Monte do Camelo Wins Gold for Tratturo de Fronteira
Monte do Camelo from Portugal has won a second consecutive award at the world's most prestigious olive oil quality contest.
Achieving the Gold Award in a year with so many challenges means that we were able to improve and that we are on the right track to achieve our purpose: extra virgin olive oil with a high number of phenols and nutraceutical value.
Ana Cardoso, co-owner
The Norte Alentejo-based producer earned a Gold Award at the 2023 NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition for its Tratturo de Fronteira brand, a robust Cobrancosa.

"Achieving the Gold Award in a year with so many challenges means that we were able to improve and that we are on the right track to achieve our purpose: extra virgin olive oil with a high number of phenols and nutraceutical value," co-owner Ana Cardoso said.
For the producers behind Monte do Camelo, this year's award is even more significant after overcoming the challenges posed by the drought in the 2022/23 crop year.

"This was our second year producing our single-state extra virgin olive oil, and we had very high expectations," Cardoso said. "The extreme drought in Portugal challenged us with high temperatures during the harvest, a significant drop in production and a very dry fruit which is difficult for extraction."
The NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition held each spring in New York, is the world's most prestigious olive oil contest. Its annual listing of award winners is considered the authoritative guide to the year’s best extra virgin olive oils.

The complete list of winners can be viewed in the Official Guide to the World's Best Olive Oils.