Cantasole Wins Double Golds at NYIOOC
Cantasole from Italy has won two Gold awards at the 2022 NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition, the world's most prestigious olive oil quality contest.
We would be lying if we said we didn’t run around the fields cheering when we heard of the two Gold Awards
Arianna De Marco
The company produces extra virgin olive oil in Puglia from Coratina, Biancolilla olives using traditional methods.
"Behind this gold award, there are not only 365 days of love, passion and attention to detail, but also hard work, innovation and believing in our dream that an excellent olive oil can bring people together and improve our quality of life," said the company's CEO, Arianna De Marco. "Every day there is a new challenge in the olive grove, from water to Xylella management. But we keep positive."

Cantasole won a Gold Award for its medium Coratina and Biancolilla monovarietals.
"We would be lying if we said we didn’t run around the fields cheering when we heard of the two Gold Awards," De Marco told Olive Oil Times. "This is our sixth year receiving an award and, every year, it feels like the first time all over again."
"We are truly committed to providing a healthy, high quality extra virgin olive oil and we are proud to be amongst the world's best again," she added.
The NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition, held each spring in New York, is the world's largest and most prestigious olive oil contest and its annual listing of award winners is considered the authoritative guide to the year’s best extra virgin olive oils.
The complete list of winners can be viewed in the Official Guide to the World's Best Olive Oils