
Olivicoltura Eroica

By Farchioni Olii

The goal is modern olive growing, using only Italian varieties capable of adapting to current styles of cultivation and taste. At the same time, it is necessary to nourish our roots, starting from those olive trees that have the characteristics of heroic cultivation. We are talking about centuries-old trees with enormous landscape value and olive trees grown on slopes greater than 30 percent, on terraces or small islands at or above 500 meters.
Where to Find

About Farchioni Olii

Farchioni Olii is part of a long tradition. Born and bred in Umbria, we work to transform our amazing olives into products of excellence, creating a unique story that we have been telling every day since 1780.
Producer Profile
Tasting Sensations
Green Pepper
Bitter Almond
Golden Apple
Gold awardGold awardGold award

Food Pairing

Chocolate Ice Cream


Food Pairing

Stir-Fry Chicken and Veggies


Food Pairing

Sautéed Cauliflower

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