
Di Molfetta Frantoiani

By Di Molfetta Pantaleo

Di Molfetta Frantoiani encompasses the best features of Puglia's native olive varieties. It is extra virgin olive oil produced in our mill and perfect for everyday use.
Where to Find

About Di Molfetta Pantaleo

Di Molfetta Oil Mill has a courageous family history, beginning in 1950 in the heart of Puglia. We are three generations dedicated to the fascinating art of oil making, the true soul of this region.
Producer Profile
Short Information
Tasting Sensations
Bitter Almond
Pink Pepper
Green Almond
Gold awardGold awardGold awardGold award

Food Pairing

Grilled Beef


Food Pairing

Grilled Pollack


Food Pairing

Smoked Beef

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