Viveiros Monterosa Awarded at Sixth Straight World Competition
Viveiros Monterosa from Portugal has won an award at the 2023 NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition, the world's largest olive oil quality contest.
To us, this is the recognition of our work and the quality of our oils, but also an added guarantee for our customers and commercial partners.
Antonio Duarte, commerical director
The Eastern Algarve-based producer earned a Gold Award for its medium-intensity Macanilha de Tavira monovarietal.

"This is the sixth consecutive year that our oils have been awarded in this competition," commercial director Antonio Duarte said.
"To us, this is the recognition of our work and the quality of our oils, but also an added guarantee for our customers and commercial partners," he added.

In the 2022/23 crop year, Viveiros Monterosa produced 15,000 liters of extra virgin olive oil using traditional methods. Duarte cited climate change shortening the harvest window as the company's most significant challenge.
"Every year, it seems that we start a bit earlier, and the ideal harvest time is also becoming shorter," he said. "High temperatures shorten the picking window, and this makes it challenging."

Held each spring in New York, the NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition is the world's most prestigious olive oil contest. Its annual listing of award winners is considered the authoritative guide to the year’s best extra virgin olive oils.
The complete list of winners can be viewed in the Official Guide to the World's Best Olive Oils.