Dalmatia’s OPG Ante Urem Wins Gold Award
OPG Ante Urem from Croatia has won a Gold Award at the 2023 NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition, the world's largest olive oil quality contest.
We are very delighted to receive such an honorable award. We have constantly been working to improve the quality of our olive oil, and this is a good indicator of the direction in which we are going.
Ante Urem, owner
The Dalmatia-based producer earned the award for its medium Urem Blend brand. The producer previously earned a Silver Award in 2022.

"We are very delighted to receive such an honorable award," owner Ante Urem said. "We have constantly been working to improve the quality of our olive oil, and this is a good indicator of the direction in which we are going."
"Our plan for the future is to keep growing with our family company and increase the amounts and quality of olive oil," he added.

In the 2022/23 crop year, Urem produced 1,200 liters of extra virgin olive oil using traditional methods. He cited drought as the main challenge he faced during the harvest.
"The main issue of producers in this region is the amount of rainfall and lack of irrigation system," Urem said.
The NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition held each spring in New York, is the world's most prestigious olive oil contest. Its annual listing of award winners is considered the authoritative guide to the year’s best extra virgin olive oils.

The complete list of winners can be viewed in the Official Guide to the World's Best Olive Oils.