
L'Olio Bio

By Pometti di Pometti Carlotta

This extra virgin olive oil is a certified organic blend of Moraiolo, Leccino and Pendolino olives, the three main varieties cultivated in Tuscany. L'Olio Bio is cold-pressed through mechanical means, and all the olives are harvested using the traditional manual method. This guarantees the highest quality product to preserve the EVOO's typical green color, spicy notes and fragrant perfume.
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About Pometti di Pometti Carlotta

Pometti di Pometti Carlotta is a family-run company with a growing belief that a sustainable approach is inescapable to preserve our environment, giving us first-quality products. The three-year-long transition to organic agriculture is the key we chose to unlock the true potential of our land, allowing it to rest and follow the rhythm of the Earth. We truly believe it is possible to leave behind a better world than the one we inherited, which is what we work towards.
Producer Profile
Tasting Sensations
Gold awardGold awardGold award

Food Pairing

Cauliflower Soup


Food Pairing

Grilled Broccoli


Food Pairing

Semi-Soft Cheeses

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