XY is a unique product, because it comes from centuries-old and ancient olive trees located in the Subbetica Mountains. Specifically, XY was born at the foot of Tiñosa peak (5,150 feet), which is considered the roof of the province of Córdoba. This is significant since the altitude of more than 2,600 feet endows the oils with a unique quality and flavor profile, a fact well known both today and in ancient times.
María Luisa Povedano Gámiz, owner
Winning at NYIOOC is elating... The award validates our commitment to quality, boosts our reputation and opens new opportunities.
María Luisa Povedano Gámiz, owner
This award is super important for the company. Our oil is based in traditional farm and centennial / millennial trees, and a premium quality-based brand. That is why NYIOOC make us a reference for the market purchasers.
Povedano Gámiz María Luisa said about the award
XY is the result of centuries of effort, excellence and tradition in the Subbético Mountains of Priego de Córdoba.
María Luisa Povedano, owner