
Valle Felciosa

By Società Agricola GVG

Valle Felciosa is superior-class extra virgin olive oil that is obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical processes. The EVOO is cold extracted in Tuscany from an estate with 807 Leccino, Frantoiano, Moraiolo and Pendolino trees.
Where to Find

About Società Agricola GVG

GVG was founded by the Lombardi Stronati family, who inherited a passion for olives and olive oil. They have had the farmland for more than 10 years now, preparing and cultivating the landscape and testing various olive mixtures in combination with unique cold-pressing methods to yield the highest-quality EVOO.
Producer Profile
Short Information
Tasting Sensations
Ripe Olives
Black Olives
Dry Fruit
Silver award

Food Pairing

Fruit Ice Cream & Sorbet


Food Pairing

Bok Choy


Food Pairing

Pea Soup

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